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Week 1

Day 1 (1/09)
Course Intro, intro to VMs
S&N 1
Project 1 Prelim Out
Day 2 (1/11)
Virtualization Basics, Computer Architecture Review

Week 2

Day 3 (1/16)
Addressing Modes, MMIO, DMA Review
Day 4 (1/18)
Intro to Emulation
S&N 2.1-2.3
Project 1 Out
Project 1 Prelim Due Friday

Week 3

Week 4

Day 6 (1/30)
Binary Translation (recorded lec. on Blackboard)
S&N 2.5-2.10
Day 7 (2/1)
QEMU Walkthrough

Week 5

Day 8 (2/6)
Intro to HLL VMs
S&N 5
Day 9 (2/8)
HLL Implementation Strategies
S&N 6
Project 1 Due Friday

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Day 14 (2/27)
Instructor travel: no class
Project Hacking
Day 15 (2/29)
Intro to Full System Virtualization

Week 9

Week 10

Day 17 (3/12)
Spring Break: no class
Day 18 (3/14)
Spring Break: no class

Week 11

Week 12

Day 21 (3/26)
Network Virtualization
VNET paper
Day 22 (3/28)
Instructor travel: no class
Project Hacking

Week 13

Week 14

Week 15

Week 16