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Extra Credit Lab: ELF Hijacking via PLT/GOT Poisoning

Due Date: Before Hale’s half of class is over (10/11)

Lab Overview

Once a system has been compromised, it’s often useful for an attacker to leave running code behind to accomplish some goal (trigger an attack at a specific time, monitor user activity, provide a backdoor to subsequent infiltration, etc.). The hard part is making that code invisible. If an attacker can gain root privilege, this becomes easier. Hiding attack code is often done in concert with a kernel rootkit, but is not always necessary. In this lab we’ll see how this can be accomplished entirely in userspace (although a little help from the kernel makes it even harder to detect…we’ll learn more about that in the next lab). This is done by attacking a long-running target process on a compromised system and infecting it with the attacker’s own code. This particular attack hinges on a pretty deep understanding of dynamic linking internals and the ELF binary format.

Lab Description

For this lab, you’ll be modifying the code provided to you and answering questions as usual. However, the code this time is quite a bit larger than what you’ve seen in the SEED labs up to this point.

Getting the code

You’ll want to use the SEED Ubuntu VM for this lab. We’ve tested in the 16.04 VM, but the 20.04 VM may work too. In the VM, you can get the code for this lab by cloning your instructor’s repo:

git clone

Make sure to read the README in the repo. The SEED VM should have everything necessary to understand and launch the attack.

Task 1

Study the man page for ptrace. You’ll need to understand how it works to get further with this attack. Please include/answer the following in your lab write-up:

  • ptrace is used by *nix debuggers. With your knowledge of ptrace, explain how gdb can attach to a running process and print out its register contents at a particular point of execution.
  • Explain how you could build gdb’s memory dump (e.g., x/32x) command.
  • Write a small program that uses ptrace and accepts a PID as an argument to attach to a running process and print out its current register values. Include the code in your writeup.
  • Why should ptrace only be available to a privileged process (that is, one more privileged than the one being traced)?

Task 2

Go through the lecture slides and through some of the recommended reading to understand the PLT/GOT. Then answer the following.

  • What is the purpose of the PLT?
  • What is the purpose of the GOT?
  • Suppose neither existed in the ELF format. How would a dynamic linker then resolve symbols at runtime?

Task 3

Now you should spend some time understanding how the attack (p01snr.c) works. A good first step here is to read the README in the code repo. Then start in main() and work your way from there. Do the following:

  • Modify the attack so that the injected library uses a logic bomb. Remember, a logic bomb is a piece of code that is triggered at a certain time or when a certain condition is met. This will involve modifying parasite.c. For example, you could have your parasite library delete a specific file based on the output of date().


Please write your lab report according to the description. Please also list the important code snippets followed by your explanation. You will not receive credit if you simply attach code without any explanation. Upload your answers as a PDF to blackboard

Suggested Reading